Kingston First

In 2019 we started to work with the business improvement district Kingston First to transform vacant shop fronts in the town centre into colourful canvases. Students pitched their artworks on the theme of “Kingston: Past Present and Future.”

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Kingston Canvas

“Kingston Canvas” showcases work from the talented students of Kingston School of Art in the town where the art school is based.

Clarence Street has artworks from three students: Natalie Baresova’s design captures her daily walk through Fairfield Park. Josephine Miller’s “Surreal Swans” plays on one of the themes of Kingston’s renowned inhabitants and Zsofia Mayer’s piece showcases the Kingston’s architecture past present and future.

On Eden Street, two artists’ work are displayed. “Kingston Calling” by Ellice Thatcher plays on the David Mach sculpture and brings it to life. Catarina Moura’s design shows the Kingston Bridge and river scenes, imagining a Kingston of the future with new modes of transport.

In the Market Square, Izzi Toovey’s piece “All About Kingston” fills the vacant Clas Ohlson store with colourful figures going about their business including keyworkers and families.

The launch of the project was delayed due to lockdown and Covid-19 restrictions but is a great example of working remotely in lockdown.

You can read more about the project on Kingston First’s website and on the Kingston University website.

Photo credits Alex Beer


April 2021

Following on from the Kingston Canvas project, Kingston First called on us again for a film brief to help celebrate the town coming out of lockdown and businesses reopening in April 2021.

Three BA Illustration and Animation students worked as a team in lockdown : Benedetti Bovone, Gabriel Liu and Leia Romhi created a fantastic film showing all the delights of Kingston focusing on senses and the visceral of the markets, areas and hustle and bustle of the town.

